Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First Entry


Yesterday you turned 6 months. Both your mommy and I can’t believe how fast time has gone by. Even before you were born, you were the center of our thoughts, prayers, and conversations. Now that you are here in person, that is even more true.

Each day I’m amazed at your rapid growth. Sometimes I wish I could freeze time or even go back a few months just to enjoy you at your infant stages.

Kate, being your father has introduced me to a strange phenomenon. When I kiss you goodnight I know that I could not possibly love you more. But when I wake up in the morning, I love you and cherish you more than the previous night.

I’m so grateful that you are healthy. You provide so much joy to your mommy and me. Even though it seems like an impossible task, I’ll do my best to capture our emotions in words.


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