Monday, March 24, 2008



Over two weeks has past since I last blogged. During that time, Grandma and Grandpa (from daddy's side) have had a chance to see you several times. You also got introduced to daddy's uncle and aunt from Canada and mommy's uncle and aunt from Bakersfield. They all commented on what a good girl you are. Mommy and I couldn't agree more.

I may be biased but I so far I think you and I are building a really strong bond. You definitely recognize my voice and face. And so far, you don't laugh or giggle as hard for anyone else as you do for me. I secretly take so much pride and joy in knowing that I make you happy. When I walk into the daycare and you don't see me initially, I make a popping sound with my lips. It's a sound that you have been responding to since you were about a month old. I love watching your head snap around to look for me.

And just a week ago, grandpa (mommy's dad) was playing with you and trying to make you laugh. But of course you had your stern, serious look on your face. It's only after I made a funny face at you that a big smile came across your face.

Kate, my hope is that as the years go by, you and I are able to forge a strong relationship as father and daughter. I care for you deeply and want to protect you in every way possible. But most of all, I want to build a strong relationship so that when I talk about and share Christ with you, you'll understand where my heart lies.


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