Thursday, March 6, 2008

6 Month Check Up


Mommy took you to the doctor today for your six month check up. Your head size was in the 50th percentile, your height stayed the same at 25th percentile (24.75 inches), and you lost s little bit of weight going from 75th percentile to 50th percentile from your last visit. The doctor thinks that it's because you're becoming more active. Mommy and I have to agree.

You are so different from just a month ago. You smile more, you laugh all the time, but the most noticeable difference is how physically active you are. It's funny because you can barely roll over (you first rolled over just about a week ago), but for some reason, you really like standing up. It's amazing that your legs can support you at all. But you are a terror on your jumparoo. Hopefully I will have some good video footage to show you when you're older.

Mommy also said the doctor recommended more tummy time. Right now, you don't really like tummy time so I'm hoping you won't be too grumpy with mommy when she puts you on your stomach. Hopefully you get the hang of it and then you start zipping around everywhere.


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